新博客文章地址:About HTTP Live Streaming官方文档翻译 [iOS]
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About HTTP Live Streaming - HTTP实时流
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is Apple’s technology for streaming live and on-demand audio/video content to iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV, and Mac. Central to HLS is the delivery of content using the HTTP protocol—the same protocol that powers the web. HTTP lets you easily deploy media content in streams using commonplace web servers rather than specialized streaming servers. HLS streams behave like regular web traffic. They work with preexisting caching infrastructure, such as Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), and reliably pass through typical firewalls and routers. HLS adapts to variable network conditions, dynamically adjusting playback to match the available speed of wired and wireless connections.
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) 是苹果公司的技术,有关流媒体直播和点播音频/视频内容,支持iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV, 和 Mac。内部 对 HLS 内容的传递 使用与HTTP协议相同的协议来处理网络服务。 HTTP可以轻松地使用普通的Web服务器,而不是专门的流媒体服务器 来部署流媒体内容。HLS流行为像常规的网络流量。工作方式为预先缓存基础结构,比如内容分发网络(CDN),以及可靠地通过典型的防火墙和路由器。HLS适应可变的网络状况,动态地调整播放以匹配有线和无线连接的可用速度。